Gumeracha: 29 Albert Street, Gumeracha SA 5233

PH: (08) 8389 1009, Fax: (08) 8389 1655

Lobethal : 5 Wattle Street, Lobethal SA 5241

PH : (08) 8389 6364, Fax: (08) 8389 5400

Phone calls and emails

If you contact our doctors via phone or email please be aware you may not receive a same day response. If the matter is urgent please ensure you phone the practice and explain the situation to the reception staff so that we can follow it up for you. 

Quality Assurance and your Privacy

Doctors in this practice take part in clinical audits from time to time, which help them improve the quality of care they provide to you. During a clinical audit, the doctor records information about the treatment of patients with a particular illness. None of this health information can identify the patient.  Your doctor may participate in […]

Longer Appointments Available

Please let our reception staff know if you need a bit longer time with your doctor. We usually book standard appointments of 15 minutes, but there are often times when it is best to schedule a longer time. Examples of this are for complex conditions, full check ups, counselling etc. We really appreciate knowing in […]

Online Booking, SMS Reminders & Recalls HotDoc

From August 2018 – We are pleased to offer easy online bookings and SMS reminders for appointments and secure health messages to remind you of important health checks via In light of recent ACCC press release regarding legal proceedings against another online booking provider, we would like to take a moment to reassure all patients […]

Flu Vaccines

The Government funded vaccines for people who are over 65, pregnant, or have a chronic medical condition are usually available from March / April. We run “fluvax clinics” (GP & Nurse for 5 minutes – vaccination only), or you may book an appointment with your doctor at another convenient time. We have a private stock […]

Our Policy on Bulk Billing

At Gumeracha Medical Practice, we are mindful that increases to cost of living expenses can put pressure on the family budget when unexpected bills arrive. Our policy is to offer bulk billing to all concession card holders (Pensioners, Veterans, Health Care Card holders). We also bulk bill all attendances for childhood immunisations, Chronic Disease Management […]