Gumeracha: 29 Albert Street, Gumeracha SA 5233

PH: (08) 8389 1009, Fax: (08) 8389 1655

Lobethal : 5 Wattle Street, Lobethal SA 5241

PH : (08) 83896364, Fax: (08) 8389 5400


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Coronavirus Basics and a guide to self-isolation – this article is easy to read and his links to useful information.
Women’s health, including information on manopause, endmetriosis, anxiety and some healthy recipes.

Fact sheets – What to do with Gastro, What to watch for in head injury – lots of handy, helpful information for looking after your child’s health

Planning a holiday – check here for Health Alerts, Vaccination advice, Tips to stay healthy while you are away.

Depression / Anxiety Get Immediate Help

Relationships Australia (SA) is all about personal and social wellbeing. We help individuals, families and communities to grow, thrive and deal with life’s challenges.

Links to Allergy Action Plans – how to use an epi-pen video

Information on medication and illness during pregnancy and while breast feeding.

Pregnancy – what to expect ..

Information, Education, Support, Products – healthy living with diabetes.

You and your Heart – everything about how it works and how to look after it.

Australian Government Health Directory site – frequently asked questions / common conditions / services

Food Glorious Food – Australian guide to healthy eating.

Access to information and services for seniors. (Australian Government site)

Have you considered having an electronic record? My Health Record is the name of the national digital health record system. (Australian Government site)

SHINE is the leading sexual health agency in South Australia – contraception, puberty, pregnancy, sexually transmitted disease.

Information / Stories / News about the Meningococcal Infection

Do you need Mental health info or support? Australian Government Department of Health – services and advice online or over the phone.