Longer Appointments Available

Please let our reception staff know if you need a bit longer time with your doctor. We usually book standard appointments of 15 minutes, but there are often times when it is best to schedule a longer time. Examples of this are for complex conditions, full check ups, counselling etc.

We really appreciate knowing in advance if you need extra time, this allows us to manage your health better and also decreases waiting times for others. You will receive a higher Medicare rebate for a longer consultation, but will have exactly the same out of pocket expense as for a standard attendance.

Book Online via HotDoc
29 Albert Street, Gumeracha
SA 5233
(08) 8389 1009
(08) 8389 1655
5 Wattle Street, Lobethal
SA 5241
(08) 8389 6364
(08) 8389 5400
AGPAL Accredited General Practice
Gum Medical - Health + Medical + Wellbeing - Logo
Gum Medical acknowledges that the land on which its site is located is the Traditional lands for the Peramangk people and that we respect their spiritual relationship with their country. We also acknowledge the Peramangk people as the custodians of the greater Adelaide Hills region and that their cultural and heritage beliefs are still as important to the living Permangk people today.
Copyright © 2023 Gum Medical | All rights reserved | Privacy Policy | Sitemap

COVID - 19

During these uncertain times, you can rest assured that Gum Medical is doing the utmost to ensure that you and our staff remain safe. We have a number of procedures in place to limit your chances of exposure.
If you have any of the following symptoms, or are concerned that you may have been at an exposure site:
fever (a temperature of 37.5˚C or higher) or chills.
loss of taste or smell
sore throat
tiredness (fatigue)
runny or blocked nose
shortness of breath (difficulty breathing)
nausea, vomiting or diarrhoea
muscle or joint pain
Please get a COVID test and isolate at home until you receive a negative result as per SA Health guidelines.
Our doctors will all be wearing fit-tested N95 masks and goggles that provide the highest level of protection reasonably possible.

You can help by wearing a mask while you are in our clinic and maintaining social distancing. To minimize the time, you spend sitting in the waiting room we ask that you wait for your appointment outside or in your car. You can let us know that you have arrived by checking in on the HotDoc app, otherwise ring the doorbell or call and let reception know on 8389 1009. We will then contact you when the doctor or nurse is available to see you.

We do continue to offer face to face appointments where appropriate, but ask that, if appropriate and safe, you consider a telehealth appointment instead.

Make an Appointment

Book Online
Call 8389 1009