Gumeracha: 29 Albert Street, Gumeracha SA 5233

PH: (08) 8389 1009, Fax: (08) 8389 1655

Lobethal : 5 Wattle Street, Lobethal SA 5241

PH : (08) 8389 6364, Fax: (08) 8389 5400

Longer Appointments Available

Please let our reception staff know if you need a bit longer time with your doctor. We usually book standard appointments of 15 minutes, but there are often times when it is best to schedule a longer time. Examples of this are for complex conditions, full check ups, counselling etc.

We really appreciate knowing in advance if you need extra time, this allows us to manage your health better and also decreases waiting times for others. You will receive a higher Medicare rebate for a longer consultation, but will have exactly the same out of pocket expense as for a standard attendance.

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