Gumeracha: 29 Albert Street, Gumeracha SA 5233

PH: (08) 8389 1009, Fax: (08) 8389 1655

Lobethal : 5 Wattle Street, Lobethal SA 5241

PH : (08) 8389 6364, Fax: (08) 8389 5400

Contact Us


29 Albert Street,
Gumeracha SA 5233

Phone (08) 8389 1009,
Fax (08) 8389 1655


5 Wattle Street,
Lobethal SA 5241

Phone (08) 8389 6364,
Fax (08) 8389 5400

Patient Feedback

We always welcome feedback on something we have done well or something we can do better.

If there are any areas of our service you believe we could improve, please feel free to discuss the problem with your doctor, or you may like to contact our practice manager.

*happy to hear from you in person, over the phone, or via letter.

Getting In Touch

When contacting us by email, please be aware you may not receive a same-day response. If the matter is urgent, please phone the practice, and our reception staff will follow it up properly for you.  Any clinic matters should be discussed in an appointment with your doctor.

You can send us an email via our form below.

We believe the problems are best dealt with within the practice; however, if you feel there is an issues to take up outside the practice, you may prefer to contact an organisation which deals with health care complaints: 

Health & Community Services Complaints Commissioner, PO Box 199 Rundle Mall SA 5000, 1800 232 007,

Get In touch

Please be aware that our email service is not encrypted, and we cannot guarantee your private your privacy – as such we do not send and clinical information via email.

Please be aware that our email service is not encrypted, and we cannot guarantee your private your privacy – as such we do not send and clinical information via email.

Please be aware that our email service is not encrypted, and we cannot guarantee your private your privacy – as such we do not send and clinical information via email.