A little bit of care for those affected by bushfires

People vary in the way they respond to this crisis, but over time, most people will recover and rebuild their lives. During what can be a prolonged recovery process, we need to care for others and ourselves. Some of the common reactions to disasters include:

Sharing stories, caring for each other, checking in on others are simple ways that as a community we can support and care for those affected by the fires. We may also choose to donate to one of the registered charities collecting funds for the fire fighters or those affected by the fires. Finding ways to help others can often trigger healing and recovery for ourselves.

Here are some resources which you might find helpful:

Coping with loss and change in a community after a natural disaster:

Bushfires and mental health:

Helping young people after a natural disaster:

Covid19 Pandemic Info - what's happening at GMP

Announcement - Practice Merger

Gumeracha Medical Practice and Lobethal Medical Centre are delighted to announce that from 1st February 2020, we will be combining to form one larger practice across two sites.

Why are we merging?

Individually we are both successful practices with similar, patient centred approaches to care, and a shared belief in making a continued positive difference to our patients.We feel it is the right time to take the opportunity to build and expand on our services by combining our efforts.

Business as Usual

From 1st February 2020 it will be ‘business as usual’ for our patients.All our patients from both practices will continue to access our services in exactly the same way as they do now.You will continue to ring the same telephone numbers, see and speak to the same receptionists, GPs and Nursing staff, and attend the same practice that you have always attended. Nothing will change.

What are the benefits?

  1. More choice for our patients

    We will be able to offer the choice of which site our patients are seen at, either Gumeracha or Lobethal. This will make it easier for you as patients to select an appointment time and location which best suits you.
  2. More GPs and Nurses available to our patients

    Our GP and Nursing teams all have specialist interests and additional skills. Working together will enable us to offer a wider service to all our patients.Although at present it will be ‘business as usual’, over time the two practices working closely together will increase the availability of GPs and Nurses across both practice sites.
Gumeracha Medical Practice

29 Albert Street
Gumeracha SA 5233

Telephone: 83891009
Lobethal Medical Centre

5 Wattle Street
LobethalSA 5241

Telephone: 83896364

Thank You

Drs Symons, Lang, Williams, Withnall, Porteous, Davey & Associates

Travel Immunisations

It is necessary to make an appointment to discuss your itinerary and vaccination needs. In most cases, this is best done at least six weeks prior to your departure date.

Our doctors have access to up to date health recommendations for every country Appropriate vaccination can protect you from serious communicable diseases, so you can relax and enjoy your holiday. We can provide all the documentation you need to travel with medicine and scripts for while you are away.

Skin Checks

Prevention is better than cure – it is important to closely monitor any moles, sunspots or changes in your skin. All of our doctors are able to help you with routine check-ups and Dr Withnall has a special interest in this area. 

Please let our receptionist know if you would like a full body check as we can allow a longer appointment for this.

Phone calls and emails

If you contact our doctors via phone or email please be aware you may not receive a same day response. If the matter is urgent please ensure you phone the practice and explain the situation to the reception staff so that we can follow it up for you. 

Quality Assurance and your Privacy

Doctors in this practice take part in clinical audits from time to time, which help them improve the quality of care they provide to you. During a clinical audit, the doctor records information about the treatment of patients with a particular illness. None of this health information can identify the patient. 

Your doctor may participate in clinical audits on medicines run by NPS MedicineWise. Please be assured that all information collected, used and stored remains anonymous to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles.

Longer Appointments Available

Please let our reception staff know if you need a bit longer time with your doctor. We usually book standard appointments of 15 minutes, but there are often times when it is best to schedule a longer time. Examples of this are for complex conditions, full check ups, counselling etc.

We really appreciate knowing in advance if you need extra time, this allows us to manage your health better and also decreases waiting times for others. You will receive a higher Medicare rebate for a longer consultation, but will have exactly the same out of pocket expense as for a standard attendance.

Online Booking, SMS Reminders & Recalls HotDoc

From August 2018 - We are pleased to offer easy online bookings and SMS reminders for appointments and secure health messages to remind you of important health checks via Image result for HotDoc logo image

In light of recent ACCC press release regarding legal proceedings against another online booking provider, we would like to take a moment to reassure all patients and practices that HotDoc is not part of these legal proceedings and has never sold or shared patients information to third parties for advertising purposes.

Our purpose is to enable the best possible healthcare experience for everyone in Australia and part of that is ensuring patients privacy and security is managed with the highest regard.

For more information, you can find our transparent Patient Privacy Statement here

Flu Vaccines

The Government funded vaccines for people who are over 65, pregnant, or have a chronic medical condition are usually available from March / April.

We run "fluvax clinics" (GP & Nurse for 5 minutes - vaccination only), or you may book an appointment with your doctor at another convenient time.

We have a private stock of vaccines for people who are not eligible for a Government Funded vaccine. These can be purchased for $20.00 and given at a standard appointment.

Please discuss this with your doctor at your next appointment.